The personnel policy of “Kaztemirtrans” JSC is an integrated system of measures regarding personnel management through the development of human potential, enhancement of motivation system and social security, attraction and retention of professional personnel aimed at effective activity, ensuring high-quality services, execution of required production figures, the development of the Company in accordance with modified market requirements.
The basic principles:
complexity and integration of personnel management system;
objectivity in staff recruitment;
effective motivation of personnel;
maintenance of personnel’s professionalism;
ensuring of social support for employees and retirees;
adherence to principles of corporate culture.
The basic principles:
complexity and integration of personnel management system;
objectivity in staff recruitment;
effective motivation of personnel;
maintenance of personnel’s professionalism;
ensuring of social support for employees and retirees;
adherence to principles of corporate culture.
staff recruitment and development of human resources;
analysis of quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel;
automation of personnel management system;
development of personnel (training, retraining, raising of qualification);
personnel rating;
motivation of personnel.
Social policy
Caring for people, their well-being, solving issues of social support and as a result, improving the quality of life of employees is one of the priorities of the Company.
Social support for employees and pensioners of the Company is carried out on the basis of the Collective Agreement of “Kaztemirtrans” JSC and its work collective for 2018-2020 in the following areas:
compliance with standards in the field of social and labor relations;
provision of material support and social guarantees to employees, non-working pensioners, disabled people in the Company, as well as victims of industrial accidents and occupational diseases in the Company;
provision of a number of social guarantees for young people, families of employees, including summer holidays and rehabilitation of the children of the Company's employees;
regulation of health protection issues;
promotion of comprehensive professional development and staff training.
Youth policy
The key element of the development of the Company's personnel potential is the systematic implementation of the corporate youth policy. The youth policy of “Kaztemirtrans” JSC is implemented within the framework of the Youth Policy of “NC “KTZ” JSC adopted for 2016-2021, which consists of a set of programs aimed at improving professional skills, raising the corporate spirit, developing a system for attracting youth, its effective adaptation and consolidation in the company, involvement of youth in solving corporate tasks, development of international youth cooperation, spiritual and moral, patriotic education, as well as promotion of healthy life and sport among young people.
Young specialists together with employees of personnel services are actively participated in the social and corporate life of the Company, in charity events for retirees and large families.
Within the implementation of the Youth Policy of “NC “KTZ” JSC for 2016–2020, young employees of “Kaztemirtrans” JSC take part in corporate events held by “NC “KTZ” JSC (Republican youth forums, youth camps, etc.).