The first marathon is “FOR THE GOOD OF CHANGE!

The first marathon is “FOR THE GOOD OF CHANGE!

Adlet Bakytuly, our colleague, chief expert on business transformation, won the first place in the first KTZ marathon in the age category of 30-39 years.

Adlet Bakytuly, our colleague, chief expert on business transformation, won the first place in the first KTZ marathon in the age category of 30-39 years.

Last weekend, the mass marathon was held organized by “NC “KTZ” JSC. “The first marathon is “FOR THE GOOD OF CHANGE! Take part in the first one!”

Runs at 2, 5, 10 and 21 km took place in Astana Triathlon Park. The competition was attended by more than 350 railway workers - representatives of the corporate fund management, branches and subsidiaries, employees of “NC “KTZ” JSC group of companies, including from the regions.

29 families of railway workers and 9 industry veterans were among the participants.

The railway workers mainly chose the distances of 10 and 21 km.

In the age category of 30-39 years old, at the distance of 21 km, Adlet Bakytuly, the chief expert on business transformation of “Kaztemirtrans” JSC, was the first to finish.

At “ten”, Artem Ryapolov (the age group of 30-39 years) became the fastest railwayman - 37 minutes and 3 seconds.

Almagul Shunshalina was the fastest at the distance of 5 km among women in the age group of 40-49 years old - in 36 minutes 37 seconds. She has been working in “KTZ” for about 20 years.

Following the results of the cross-country medals were awarded to each finalist. Athletes who were prize-winners in the individual standings for each distance are awarded with valuable prizes and diplomas. Moreover, the winners received awards from the hands of such eminent athletes as Marat Zhylanbaev, Bolat Zhumadilov, Merei Akshalov.

“Carrying out this race is the part of a large strategy to improve the corporate culture of “NC “KTZ” JSC, aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, developing internal communications and enhancing the Company's image,” Tamila Mikulich, the HR Managing Director (Human Resources Director) of “NC “KTZ” JSC, said.
